
What were your favorite Mooseum cow items?

Adeline Adelman, Floresville Texas, “The dancing cows.”
Angeline Gessner, Mankato, “The halloween Mary’s Moo Moos.”
Rachel Larson, Shoreview, “The hot balloon cow that's hanging in her basement. I got it in Albuquerque at the Balloon Fiesta they have in November and gave it to her.”
Carolyn (Antonsen) Mangen, Le Center, “All the different styles and types of cow salt and pepper shakers.”
Connie Bennet, River Falls Wisconsin, “The cows jumping over the moon going down the stairs.”
Dan Bennet, River Falls Wisconsin, “I love the cow blocks [that said I love cows].”

(Question asked, photos taken at Ruth’s Mooseum Sunday, July 28)


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