Two situations from the past year stand out in my mind as far as how much computers and mobile devices have changed our lives.
The first occurred when I went to one of my favorite takeout places. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, so I asked about a special. I was told that their specials are ...
Be kind. It’s often a lesson that people are taught from their earliest moments in life.
Parents and teachers instill those words in their children and students and give them tools to do so. Perhaps you remember hearing share your toys, hold the door, mind your matters. These are all ...
Dear Heloise: I’m 90 years old, and I’ve been saving bits of soap for years and wondered if you could tell me a way to process and use them again. Soap was hard to come by earlier in my life, so I hate to throw them out.
I read your column daily. -- Helen K., Lawndale, California
Helen, ...
Dear Annie: I’m frustrated with my sister-in-law and the way that she plans the holidays that she hosts or organizes. Generally, what happens is that she will reach out to the family to see what will work for everyone. We’ll make any other plans around the agreed-upon plan. Then, closer to ...
Dear Heloise: A reader wrote in saying that it was hard finding a job at 70 because people pay less than minimum wage for retirees. I wanted to make a suggestion that he try a local hardware store, especially the big-box kind. Our family owns two, and we only hire retirees because of their ...
Dear Annie: I am about to get married to a woman I am still madly in love with, five years after we first met. Within two months after our first date, we told each other we were in love with each other and wanted to date each other exclusively. Yet, within four months, she was lying to me, ...