To the editor:
The Declaration of Independence states we all have unalienable rights, and among these are life and liberty. Governments must preserve all of these rights to preserve life we must not cause murder. We have no right to take another’s life; even the life of the old and feeble; ...
Dear Heloise: Here are a couple of hints that your readers might find helpful. Sometimes when my house needs a good cleaning, and I really don’t want to get to it, I’ve found that the best thing to get me motivated is to invite company over. Works like a charm.
Also, if company is coming ...
Dear Annie: I’m confused about an issue that involves my husband. We have been separated for 13 years. We try to work things out all the time, but now, suddenly, he said I cheated on him. He also said that all I do is lie to him. He said he doesn’t want to listen to me when I tell him the ...
Dear Heloise: A slightly moistened paper towel tucked into the bag of salad greens helps keep them fresh. This works for other veggies as well.
When I have liquid to discard that may have some fat in it, such as broth, I first let the liquid cool so that the fat congeals; then I lay a paper ...
Dear Annie: My partner and I were surprised to find ourselves expecting with my very loved rainbow baby. We had known each other less than two years and had just moved in together. So far, my relationship with his parents had been rocky at best. Both parents drank to the point of blacking out ...
To the editor:
I am writing in reference to the syndicated columnist, Froma Harrop, who wrote an article entitled, “Republicans can’t do anything about the abortion issue”, printed in the New Ulm Journal on Nov. 15. On Nov. 22, Katie Dauer from Springfield wrote a rebuttal to that ...