

Flaky dating app match is a waste of time


Dear Annie: In 2015, I met a man through a dating website. We got together shortly after and I was enamored by him. For the next five years we seldom got together in person, but we had almost daily contact via texts and such. I didn’t mind this at first because I was overweight at the time ...

Finding low-salt ways to add flavor


Dear Heloise: Mary Pittman recently asked for low-salt seasoning suggestions. As someone who watches their salt intake due to elevated blood pressure, I make up the loss in flavor by adding acids such as fresh lemon, lime or even orange juice. Alternatively, the zest of all three may be used ...

Quiet respect for Hubert Humphrey


There are big anniversaries we all share, like the first man on the moon and 9/11. There are little ones I share with Pam: first kiss, birth of kids. Anniversaries, good and bad, are a chance to put ourselves back in that moment. “Oh, yeah. That’s how that felt.” This month was the ...

Local news is good for business


It’s no secret that recent years have been tough on small businesses and on newspapers. A bipartisan bill, the “Community News & Small Business Support Act,” that has been introduced in Congress would offer relief to both newspapers and local businesses. For too many ...

Road rage: a sad sign of the times in the modern world


We see it on the streets almost every day, even in a small city like Marshall, as drivers get upset with each other over minor traffic snarls. They honk their horns. They gesture toward another driver, sometimes obscenely. They tailgate, as though they don’t know the meaning of a safe ...

Bothered by bad breath


Dear Annie: I have been married to my husband for over 50 years. While we are physically unable to have sexual relations due to several health factors, I’m not missing it. Why? Because he has terrible hygiene practices and the biggest is not brushing his teeth enough. He has horrible ...