To the editor:
The idea for my last letter before the election came to me as I was attending Mass this Sunday, and might answer some of Randy Kryzmarzick’s questions. The Gospel reading spoke of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, crying out to Jesus while he was traveling with crowds on the road ...
To the editor:
On Nov. 5, please vote yes on Constitutional Amendment Number One. This amendment would extend the present allocation of a portion of state gambling proceeds to clean water and environmental efforts throughout the state. This is not a new tax or fee, but simply a continuation ...
To the editor:
Veep Harris and Governor Walz, have you lost your minds?
Harris believes in prisoners having sex changes and is proud to have this as a “new rule” via “her power”according to her ads. For she to promote abortions as a “right” for all women is evil. Some This is ...
To the editor:
This morning the sun turns the soft orange of morning to blue. That same sun shines on all of us. That is something we all have in common. Yet believe it or not, there is much more that we share, despite the well-orchestrated scripts using fear and division to stoke up ...
To the editor:
1.) Why would you vote for a person who calls the vice president of the United States or another other person retarded? Didn’t you try to raise your kids to never use that word for anyone?
2.) Why would put a sign in you yard that has a convicted felon’s name on it? If ...
To the editor:
We live in the United States of America or this is what I was taught in school, and we have a government that is ruled by the people and for the people. Lately (meaning the last few elections cycles) we as the people are not hearing this. Lately we have become the Divided ...