

Focus on what really matters

To the editor: I find it curious that our legislators across the country are focusing on transgender teenagers wanting to play sports. Why, with all that is happening in our country with the pandemic, violence against people of color, and families struggling to make ends meet, are we talking ...

There is help out there for your energy bills

To the editor: More Minnesotans than ever are having difficulty paying their heating and electricity bills amid the pandemic. The Minnesota Department of Commerce has funds available for Energy Assistance, and the recently approved federal stimulus includes over $100 million for ...

Let’s respect the facts

To the editor: The information I’d like to share comes from the CDC’s website on LGBT health. I recommend some of the people who wrote letters lately to check that out. The people who are expressing negative attitudes towards the LGBT community puts that community at further risk, this ...

Judge not. For real.

To the editor: I’m writing today in response to the many anti-trans letters that have been printed recently. I know I should have done this long ago, but frankly, I’m not too excited about opening myself up to the attacks that I know people get for letters like this, but as a Christian I ...

Let’s all respect each other

To the editor: I’ve been reading the letters to the editor in The Journal and a couple of people are upset with Mr. Fluegge’s letter. I reread his letter to see what the problem was. The thing is, I found nothing wrong with it, but thought it stated things perfectly. We ARE all male or ...

God’s mercy is for us all

To the editor: Reading Ms. Platz’s letter, “We Ask For God’s Mercy” and some of the other letters about Transgender people recently brought back painful memories. As a gay man, I grew up hearing in church that the loving thing to do was to tell LGBTQ people we could not be who we ...