

Divine intervention — maybe

To the Editor: So a conspiracy theorist on the right wants to advance the notion of “Divine Intervention” in the former president’s surviving the assassination attempt of a 20-year-old registered Republican. I have some counter-conspiracy theories too that might need some ...

Nonprofit’s deficit weakens historic sites

To the editor: The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. This nonprofit receives millions from the State to operate state and privately owned Historic Sites including staffing and programming of MNHS’s choosing. MNHS revealed a $782,000 deficit for its ...

Planning on voting by absentee ballot? Here’s some information

To the editor: The League of Women Voters New Ulm is pleased so share information on absentee voting, which began on June 28 for the Aug.13 primary.  Whether by mail or in person, absentee voting is a great way to exercise your right to vote in a safe, secure way at your convenience. In ...

Same old rhetoric in Trump in speech

To the editor: Like many of you I couldn’t wait for Thursday evening to listen to Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech. When Gov. George Wallace was running for president his campaign statement was “Segregation Forever”. After the attempt on his life he became a strong supporter for civil ...

Trump dodging bullet is ‘divine intervention’

To the editor: I felt the need to write as I wish to say former President Donald Trump and many others including myself have attributed his miraculous dodging of the bullet so to say to “Divine Intervention” by the grace of God. I’ve heard some say maybe now he will find faith. These ...

The right promoting dangerous behavior

To the Editor: So South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, like so many of the former President’s unhinged MAGA sheep, is advocating for the “shoot first, ask questions later” MAGA zealots to take up arms if they don’t get their way in this November’s election. What’s the trickle-down ...