To the editor:
Last Saturday, our six adult children joined us to launch a new family tradition: attending Oktoberfest at Schell’s Brewery.
As we treasured our time together, I marveled at the sight of 6,000 other people from diverse backgrounds socializing over some of the best beer in ...
To the Editor:
Everyone’s heard the expression that a person is known by the company he keeps. It is also true when the nouns are transposed: A company/Presidency is known by the people it keeps.
How many of them quit in disgust or got fired for perceived disloyalty to the disinterested ...
To the editor:
The 9-13-2024 ‘What’s wrong with American schools?’ by Laura Hollis, rightly implies that ‘Declining academic performance, shrinking numbers of Americans qualified to enter technical fields, violence and truancy’ problems need to be fixed. But it doesn’t mention the ...
Dear editor:
A few reminders before the November election…
One candidate cares enough about the rule of law, that she became a prosecutor and has spent her adult life in that role (Kamala Harris)…the other candidate is a convicted felon and billionaire; and has, most likely, never held ...
To the editor:
To paraphrase, Tennessee representative Tim Burchett, Washington D.C., is not a swamp. A swamp is a delicate ecosystem, created by God.Washington D.C. is an open sewer and a black hole, which sucks in and drowns any common sense that tries to enter.
I must laugh when the ...
To the editor:
It is unfortunate that most of the media is in bed with the Harris/Walz (HW), Democratic candidates for president and vice president. A more careful vetting of HW, shows that they are radical left-wing liberal candidates, and not moderate. Here are a few examples.
The HW ...