
Voting from home

To the editor:

Voting from Home in Minnesota is safe and secure. Tuesday, November 3rd is election day, but you don’t need to wait until November 3rd to cast your vote. Voting from home is an opportunity to avoid unnecessary contact if you are concerned about COVID-19 exposure. If you plan to vote from home now is the time to act to assure you can receive and return your ballot on time. Here are some tips on how to vote from home:

1. Confirm you are registered to vote and that your information is up to date. You can register or update your registration at mnvotes.org.

2. Request an absentee ballot. You can also do this at mnvotes.org. Instead of clicking on register to vote, click on “Other Ways to Vote,” and then “request an absentee ballot online.” Fill out the request and you will be sent a ballot. Request your absentee ballot as soon as possible – ideally, no later than two weeks before Election Day!

3. Vote! For an absentee ballot, there are a few different steps to take. Follow the instructions that come with the ballot carefully. If you have questions about your candidate choices, visit Vote411.org.

4. Return the ballot. Even though ballots don’t have to be postmarked until Election Day, we recommend returning them as soon as possible to account for any potential postal service delays. Or you can return your ballot by hand to the secure box in the lobby of the Brown County Law Enforcement Center or during business hours at the Brown County Auditor Treasurer’s office on the second floor of the Brown County Courthouse.

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization and we want every voter to stay safe and stay engaged. For more facts and details about voting from home including research about the security of voting from home, visit www.lwvmn.org/vote-from-home.

Linda Heine

Voter Services Chair

League of Women Voters of New Ulm


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