
Praying for peace and compassion

To the editor:

Today I saw a picture of a little girl in Rafah. She was about my daughter’s age, right around 2 years old. Instantly I did my best to disconnect from that thought. I tried to put separation between these two girls. I thought about my daughter and this Palestinian girl… I didn’t want to connect her to my daughter because I saw the devastation around her. I saw destruction that had collapsed her world. I saw her crying father holding her lifeless body… I broke into tears, though I couldn’t imagine the depths of his pain.

The War in Israel and Palestine is not actually a war; it is a crime against humanity where over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed. Violence can only bring more violence, and hate can only bring more hate. We must do what we can to call for a ceasefire so the loss of innocent life can end. The horrific terrorist attack on Oct. 7 was disgusting and wrong, but this response from the Israeli Government is disgusting and wrong.

Let us all stop with political positioning to say what is necessary, Ceasefire Now!

God’s blessings on the innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine that must deal with Hamas’s terrorism and Israel’s militarism and expansionism.

Pastor Dave Nissen

New Ulm


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