

Assassination attempt leads everyone toward shock and sadness


Every once in a blue moon something happens in the world that shocks people, enough so that they remember what they were doing when they first heard the news. I had that situation last Sunday after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It started out as a typical ...

Comparing elections in Europe to the US


To the editor: My wife and I recently spent two weeks in Europe. Here are a few observations from that trip: We visited Denmark, Germany and Austria, and passed through the mountains in Slovenia and Italy as well. Much like farmers in my area near Lafayette, record rainfalls have plagued ...

Many reasons to shop at farmers’ market


“Nothing tastes better than fresh green beans out of the garden. You can’t beat it,” Becky Sellner was quoted in a New Ulm Journal article on the start of the farmers’ market season. It’s those fresh green beans and other vegetable delights that make shopping at farmers’ markets ...

Tell the whole story


To the editor: I pray almost every day that Americans will be told what is really happening. Media is only a free press if it is allowed to tell us the whole story. As the left attempts to keep Trump tied up in courtrooms, us real Americans are not being fooled, because, deep down, we know ...

How did it come to this?


To the Editor: Apparently a would-be assassin resorted to political violence this past weekend when he tried to kill the former President. The left has spoken out ad nauseam against political violence, particularly that which has been part and parcel of the right’s messaging. It’s a ...

A fun summer Saturday


If you can’t find something fun to do on a summer Saturday you probably aren’t trying. A good example would be how I spent a recent July Saturday. The Brookings Summer Arts Festival took place just a dozen miles from our house. But I opted to kick off the day with a combination of ...