

Common-sense approach needed for child care rules


Last April the Minnesota Department of Human Services released updated licensing standards for both child care providers and child care centers. The 97-page document includes updates to nearly every current statute. It includes specifics such as the number of certain types of toys each home ...

Trump dodging bullet is ‘divine intervention’


To the editor: I felt the need to write as I wish to say former President Donald Trump and many others including myself have attributed his miraculous dodging of the bullet so to say to “Divine Intervention” by the grace of God. I’ve heard some say maybe now he will find faith. These ...

The right promoting dangerous behavior


To the Editor: So South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, like so many of the former President’s unhinged MAGA sheep, is advocating for the “shoot first, ask questions later” MAGA zealots to take up arms if they don’t get their way in this November’s election. What’s the trickle-down ...

The mask


Getting lined up for cancer treatment involves approximately as many people and resources as it took to build the Saturn V rocket. My initial day at the cancer center was a learning experience. Among the first things they requested was permission to take my photo. “Is that really ...

Thumbs up/down


THUMBS UP Festival season starts with Bavarian Blast Bavarian Blast started this week marking a beginning to the season of festivals in New Ulm, “The City of Festivals.” For the next few months New Ulm will either be celebrating a festival or be preparing to celebrate a festival. Next ...

Statements that are not true


To the editor: Donald Trump is a felon. CO2 is a pollutant. COVID-19 came from nature. There was no fraud in the 2020 elections. White supremacy is the most dangerous thing facing our nation. There is no absolute truth. Get the jab and you won’t get the virus. They don’t need a frightened ...