
Contact state representatives about Pro Act

To the editor:

Current Minnesota Legislature Re: Life issues

In 2023, many changes occurred in the state of Minnesota (The Pro act law) concerning abortion including the fact that women no longer need to be provided information about their babies gestational age, abortion no longer needs to be performed in a hospital or by a physician and that babies can be aborted up to birth. I want to address these issues more fully and suggest how to protect unborn babies.

The elected people who run our Legislature are trying to “put an amendment into the Minnesota State Constitution guaranteeing the “right” to kill an unborn baby (source Minnesota right to life.) Minnesota Right to Life is attempting to stop this constitutional amendment going into the 2024 session. We must stop this bill from being codified into the Minnesota Constitution. Please go online to Minnesota Right to Life and sign the petition.. Prolife Minnesotans must fight for the unborn, knowing that God decides when and how to add His increase.

Minnesota has some of the worst laws in America when it comes to abortion. Every year 10,000 babies in Minnesota are put to death for the crime of being inconvenient and in the name of “reproductive health care.” The number of abortions in Minnesota increased by 20 percent in 2022. Remember the pro-abortion words (health care, reproductive rights, reproductive health) are words that are attempts to make abortion of babies acceptable. This is not a mainstream position, but a radical position. The truth is it is “murder” plain and simple. When the VP of the United States of America visited St. Paul abortion clinic, she and the Biden administration showed their extreme devotion to abortion. They agree with The Pro Act law created by pro-abortion lawmakers in 2023 which created a right to abortion -up-to-birth. Now legislators want to codify it into the state constitution.

Did you also know that 66% of abortions in the US last year took place via abortion pills which is more dangerous for the mother (source – The Washington Stand, March 20, 2024). Chemical abortions are a two-pill regimen distributed by abortion facilities and recently, The Biden administration certified pharmacies to distribute the abortion pill cocktail. Senator Klobuchar indicated that this cocktail is “very safe”. Since when is a pill that causes severe cramping, bleeding and loss of a baby from a women’s uterus considered safe? Do we Minnesotans want to be known for abortion of babies up to life and putting women’s health and safety last? I don’t think so.

In addition, in 2024 the House Health Finance and policy committee voted in favor of a bill that would allow adults with a terminal illness to end their own lives with medication prescribed by a doctor. It is called the “end of Life options Act”. According to the Catechism of the Catholic church “putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons” is morally unacceptable. Causing death to eliminate suffering is murder and contrary to the dignity of the human person.

Please contact your representatives and senators regarding both very controversial bills and ask for protection of our babies in the womb and protection of our end-of-life family members.

Katie Dauer


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