

Do not judge

To the editor: It was good that Ms. Zupfer submitted her editorial entitled “Leave what is God’s to God” in the April 17 issue of The Journal. That gives me an opportunity to share additional information on the transgender issue and clarify other items. I’m sure the readers noticed ...

Opinions shouldn’t attack

To the editor: Just a few comments, please, regarding the recent letters on your Opinion page. I am thankful that we have the freedom to express our thoughts freely, without any fear of retribution. May that continue. Unfortunately, one of the recent letters you chose to publish went far ...

Look to science for facts on sexuality, gender

To the editor, In response to Myron Fluegge’s thoughts on individuals who don’t identify in ways he deems to be acceptable, I have several thoughts myself. And as a parent and educator it has taken me some time to process the best way to do this without letting my anger and disgust at what ...

Leave what is God’s to God

To the editor: In the April 16, 2021 issue of The Journal, Mr. Fluegge treated us to laundry list of his judgments regarding gender, equality, education, morality, the Bible, God’s views of humans, and much more. I will not waste the column space nor subject the readers to justification for ...

Riots in Minnesota

To the editor: Why do we have riots in Minnesota and in some democratic run states? Because people think they can break the law and not being arrested. EXAMPLE: 1) George Floyd. He was on drugs, tried to buy liquor with a 20 dollar bill and the cashier noticed it was counterfeit. Cops ...

Allina Health exposed

To the editor: Recently I got my second COVID vaccination. Several days before my appointment I received an email from the New Ulm Covid Vaccine Hub of Allina Health, asking me to update my health information. After putting in my name and sex (male or female), I was shocked to find this ...