

S.R. 1 vs. the Constitution

To the editor: There is a piece of legalization before the US Senate known as S.1. It has been labeled, “FOR THE PEOPLE ACT”. This bill is being promoted on Facebook and it saddens me to see how many people give it a thumbs up. The bill is promoted as a voting rights bill. I take some ...

Sliding toward a communistic state

To the editor: I’m getting tired with the news media, Democrats and some un-principled Republicans taking the United States of America down the road to despotism. These,so called experts and political wonks are following a philosophy that does not comport with the principles laid out in our ...

Biden Administration

To the editor: Joe Biden with all his executive orders has undone everything that former President Trump had done, stopped the building on the wall and stopped the plan that Trump had with the Mexican Government on the Mexican side of the river, that kept the people in Mexico until they could ...

Water Storage Bill

To the editor: In the course of conducting research for a book about the Minnesota River, we canoed every single mile of it, from the headwaters at the South Dakota border to the mouth of the river at Fort Snelling, and we drove countless miles to investigate more than three dozen lakes in ...

Force Walz to cede emergency powers

To the editor: How nice. Our benevolent Governor “Walz lifts most virus restrictions by Memorial Day” according to the front page of The Journal on Friday. In typical fashion, if we do this, then Walz will grant that. As if he actually has some sort of Dictator power over us as Minnesota ...

Our original lockdown

To the editor: A substantial portion of the Declaration of Independence of July 1776 supports the assertion that “the history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over ...