
New Ulm School Board – Nicholas Thiel

Nicholas Thiel

Nicholas Thiel

Why are you running for election to this position?

My primary reason for running for this elected position is my children. Both of them attend NUPS and myself and their mother really want them to continue to attend NUPS for the next 10 plus years and graduate as Eagles. I aim to bring a common sense approach to the way our district is ran, as well as be a voice for not only my children but every child and their parents. With the amount of trust we as parents put into our public school systems with the care and growth of our children, I see it only right and fitting that someone such as myself with so much invested has a say so.

What is the top issue facing Independent School District 88?

At this moment in time I believe the biggest issue(s) facing our school district are the sociopolitical issues that are in almost every school district in the country right now. As I said before the amount of common sense and quite frankly common decency that goes into the policy making in these school districts seems to be an absurdly small amount. And I’m not saying that ISD 88 has reached that point but I will say that it’s getting a little to close for comfort for me and many many others.

What is your primary goal if elected to the school board?

My primary goal if elected is to bring transparency to the school board. Open dialogues with parents to hear their concerns, interactive common sense action planning to combat these concerns. I want to keep the voice of the parent at the absolute forefront of every decision we make as a board.

Do you support the operating levy renewal referendum?

I do support the operating levy referendum on the ballot this year.

Why or why not should the board be providing information in the schools on U.S. history of race relations?

When I went to NUPS 16 years ago plus, history was taught to us in a manner that would be completely foreign now days it seems. It was taught by teachers who showed no bias, teachers who understood that it was their job to teach us that it’s our job to learn from history, especially the bad stuff like slavery, anti Semitism, stereotyping and hate. Unfortunately that is not the case these days. American history in its entirety is meant to be taught on a factual basis so as to learn from it, the good and the bad, to remember the good and build upon it and to learn from the mistakes. I do think it very important to continue to teach the history of race relations in the United States, however having teachers who think it’s ok for them to push ANY kind of personal or philosophical bias upon students when teaching such things is completely unacceptable. Teachers teach facts not opinions. I can and will proudly say that if elected I will not tolerate the teaching of bias of any kind in our schools.

Why or why not should the board be providing information in the schools on gender/sexual identity?

My answer to this question is probably too long to put in this paper, but basically I do not believe, I repeat, I do not believe that public schools are a place for adults to be having personal conversations involving anything of a sexual nature, aside from the FACTS about the reproductive systems of boys and girls as defined in the cirrucula, with students. Period. Teachers teach facts not opinions.

What else would you like to address regarding this election and the position?

I would just like to say to the voters, and more importantly the parents of children who attend NUPS, those who agree with my beliefs and those who don’t alike, if elected to this position I will do my absolute best to make the right, appropriate decisions for our children, for their futures. I realize that sometimes those decisions might not be what some people want to see, but I promise that anytime I make a decision when it comes to the futures of our children it will be with complete transparency and abundant forethought. I will listen to your voices as we as a collective aim to give our children better than we had. Thank you for your consideration of me for this great responsibility. Go Eagles and Vote Nick Thiel!

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