
Police Logs

New Ulm Police

• Received a welfare check request about a 21-year-old New Ulm man from a 22-year-old New Ulm female at 8:52 a.m. Wednesday. Police found the male unharmed at about 3 p.m. Wednesday. A report was done for documentation.

• Responded to a disturbance report in the Verizon parking lot at 8:33p.m. Wednesday involving a 17-year-old Springfield male with a loud speaker shouting racial slurs and obscenities. The male was cited for misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

Springfield Police

• Responded to a theft report of $3,000 worth of bricks taken from the former Gander’s Tavern at 8:57 a.m. Thursday. The building is being demolished. No more information was available.

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