
Gift prepping at the library

Off the Shelf

Are you wondering about gift ideas for the holiday season? Here are some great ways the library can inspire you to prepare your next thoughtful gift for those you care about. You can start by checking out our Memory Lab! In the Memory Lab, you can digitize old photos, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, and more including new offerings like microcassettes and 8mm film. We’ll train you on how to use the equipment and software and provide support as needed. If you think it sounds too technical, think again. We’ve had patrons with very little computer savvy be able to complete their projects with just a little bit of practice. Best of all – it’s free! If you sent your VHS tapes to a company to digitize, they can charge up to $1,000 or more, and you might not get your tape back. At the Memory Lab, you stay in control of your project the whole way, but you will need to provide your own storage items like flash drives or DVDs. Take advantage of this great free service we offer to the community and call the library to set up an appointment to get started. You can also fill out an interest form on our website, and we’ll help you schedule your first appointment.

Why not try out our 3D printer? It’s a great and cost-effective way to make a variety of items from non-toxic, biodegradable plastic. We can print everything from customized kitchen and house plant doodads to artistic knick-knacks, small logic puzzles, replacement game pieces, machine parts, figurines, toys, and more. It costs just $2 for a one hour print and $1 for each hour or part hour after that. Instructions on size specifications and 3D file types can be found on our website under the about us menu.

Thinking about a gift for the whole family or something for a night in? Check out one of the over one hundred games in our collection! From board games to card games, social games to puzzle games, we’ve got competitive and collaborative games for all ages and a variety of group sizes, even solo play. You can check out up to two games at a time and try them out for a week. Find your new favorite or one that you know will create some quality time with your loved ones.

We’ve also got many great books on handmade crafts and baked goods, but I don’t have space to share about all of them here! We’d be happy to help you find your next helpful resource or great read, so stop by or give us a call. The library is located at 17 N. Broadway and is open to the public Monday-Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. and Friday-Saturday from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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