


Some 3,000 People

Witness Sport Events at Fair Grounds, Sunday

Receipts About $1,000.




Fairfax Trimmed

Winthrop. Program

Arranged by

American Legion, In

Conjunction With Fair


Some 3,000 people witnessed the big race program and baseball game arranged by the Ben J. Seifert post, American Legion, in conjunction with the Brown County Agricultural society at the Fair grounds Sunday afternoon. Had the weather been less threatening during the morning hours it is presumed that the crowd would have been much larger.

Had all those, who witnessed the sport events, however, passed through the gates, the number inside the fair grounds would have been greatly augmented. Hundreds of cars were parked outside the grounds and their occupants took in the “show” without expense.

The promoters of the program are pleased that they enjoyed the after-noon.

Thirteen Cars Enter Events.

There were thirteen cars entered for the five race events of the afternoon as follows: John Lee, No. 2; Chuck Landy, No. 3; J. J. McCoy, No. 4; Long, No. 5; Curo, No. 6; Stevens, No. 7; A. H. Hudney, No. 8; H. H. Battig, No. 10; F. Kuehn, No.11; A. Peterson, No. 12; Nichols, No.15; A. Albrecht, No. 27; R. Davis, No.25.

Winners of First

Five-Mile Dash.

Lee, Davis, Kuehn, Nichols and Lande, finished in the order named in the first event of the afternoon, a five-mile race. There were but five entries in each event of the afternoon, as that was all the cars the track would hold. The five miles were made in 6:17 minutes. The track was dusty and great clouds were thrown up by the racers as they turned the corners.

Three-Mile Event.

The second race was a three-mile event and the winners named in the order they finished are as follows: Curo, McCoy, Hudney, Albercht and Pederson. The time was 3:42 minutes.

Second Five-Mile Event.

The winners of the five-mile event,the third race, named in the order they finished, are: Long, Davis, Stevens, Battig and Peterson. The time was 6:34 minutes.

Seven-Mile Clip.

The seven-mile event was rather exciting, and the motorists finished in the order named: Lee, Kuehn, Hudney, Landy and Stevens. The time was 8:43 minutes.

Final Event for Winners.

The final event for the winners of the other races was supposed to be a ten-mile race, but was a fizzle, as all cars but one dropped out of the go before five miles had been covered. Curo covered the five miles in 5:55 minutes. The others, who entered were Lee, Long, Kuehn and Pitman driving for Nichols.

While the race was rather exciting, there was nothing spectacular about the going.

Baseball Game Slow.

The fast teams from Winthrop and Fairfax, which have been heralded for their pep, put on a sloppy game, foiling the races. The score was 11-1 in favor of Fairfax.

It is estimated the net receipts of the affair totaled $1,000.

Brown County Journal,

Aug. 1, 1924


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