

Mulligan Township Residents Indicted by Grand Jury and Plead Not Guilty to Charge Wednesday A.M.




Cases Being Settled and

Dismissed. – May Term of

District Court Will Be Short.


Geo. Cook and James Upson, residents of Mulligan township were indicted by the grand jury for violating the liquor laws. The latter is charged with selling “moon” to Ludwig Sellner and Mike Schroepfer and Cook is charged with disposing of the kicky stuff to the latter. Two indictments were returned against Upson and one against Cook. They were taken into custody by the sheriff Wednesday and had their preliminary hearing yesterday morning. It is anticipated they will come up for trial next Monday morning.

The grand jury completed their labors Tuesday afternoon and were discharged by Judge I. M. Olsen. They reported that they had inspected the county jail and the court house and that everything was found to be in splendid condition. They also inspected the Brown county poor farm and found everything in first-class order, in fact everything was found in a splendid condition and the county officials are to be complimented, according to their report filed with the clerk.

Hartman Sentenced.

Leo Hartman of St. Cloud, former manager of he New Ulm branch of the Consumers Wholesale Supply Co., charged with grand larceny in the second degree, was sentenced to an indeterminate term in the St. Cloud reformatory Tuesday morning at ten o’clock by Judge Olsen. Following the reading of the information filed by the county attorney against Hart-man, he was sworn and took the witness stand, being questioned by Judge Olsen. Hartman admitted he had embezzled $300, the sum set forth in the information, and upon being further questioned admitted that his peculations were larger than that amount. His parents reside in St. Cloud and he commenced working for the Consumers four years ago. Hartman entered upon his duties as manager of the local store last January and acted in that capacity but a short time. The amount taken from the concern was made good by Hartman. His preliminary hearing was held before Justice N. Henningsen several weeks ago and he has been incarcerated in the county jail since that time.

When asked by the judge if he had anything to say as to why he took the funds, he informed the court in the negative.

First Civil Case.

The first case listed for jury trial was that of the Farmers State bank of Springfield vs. Theo. Kroening and Herm. Kettner of Springfield. The bank sued for collection on a note of $2,643. The defendants did not appear in court, so no jury was called in this action. Judgment was ordered against the defendants by the court.

The second jury action, that of Sofus Anderson, special administrator of the estate of John Thompson vs. Albert G. Anderson, was reported as settled by attorneys, when called for trial.

First Jury Action.

The first action tried before a, jury at the present term was that of Chas. Emmerich vs. Elsie Preus Pfelffer. The plaintiff sued Mrs. Pfeiffer for $350 and interest, totaling $385.76, due from a plumbing bill at the Pfeiffer residence in 1922. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the full amount Tuesday afternoon shortly after five o’clock.

The next jury case, that of the Unique Illustrating Co. vs. G. C.Stoner, was stricken from the calendar.

Oil Leases in Case.

In the action of the Bank of Richards vs. A. O. Ouren the jury returned a verdict of “no cause of action.” The suit arose out of a deal for oil leases. It seems that Mr. Ouren gave a Mrs. H. Schmidt a note in the sum of $3,-000 for certain oil leases. Mr. Ouren claims that these leases were not delivered when they should have been. Mrs. Schmidt turned the note over to the Bank of Richards,Mo., which in turn forwarded it to a bank in Minneapolis for collection. Mr. Ouren finally turned over two notes, one for $2,000 and another for $500 in lieu of the note for $3,000. The former note was collected and part payment was made on the $500 instrument. Suit was brought for the balance. Mr. Ouren testified he turned the two notes over to attorneys for the bank, with the understanding that he would be relinquished from further obligations. The verdict was rendered Wednesday.

The action of Andrew Kempter vs. Ath. Henle was dismissed. The case of Rud. Wurstner vs. S. A. Wooldrik Co. and Chas. Hanson was stricken from the calendar.

Medicine Case.

Wednesday afternoon the case of Felix Schmiedchen vs. F. W. Sallet and E. Sallet, co-partners as German-American Medical Co. was called for trial. An accounting is desired. The plaintiff conducts a German medical concern and disposed of certain medicines to the defendants. There was a disagreement as to the amount owed the plaintiff. Witnesses were being examined yesterday morning when the Journal forms were closed.

Judge I. M. Olsen convened district court Monday morning at 11 o’clock, when the members of the grand jury reported for duty. The twenty-three members of the panel were present. After instructing them in their duties, Judge Olsen appointed Christ. Jensen of Evan as foreman. After retiring for deliberation, the jury selected H. C. Domeier of Sleepy Eye as clerk.

Following the retiring of the grand jury the disposition of the civil cases was made. This is contained on another page of the Journal.

Of the petit jurors who reported for duty Tuesday morning, H. C. Hanson and Harm Johnson of Mulligan and Mrs. Herman Zellmer of Prairieville were excused. A special venire was issued for additional petit jurors and the following were ordered to appear for duty Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.: Mrs. Gustav Reim, William Stechmann, P. M. Larson, Emmet Schewe, Henry Fischenich, Otto Sturm and Mrs. F. J. Riedl.

H. F. Schrader and Mrs. Mary English served as grand jury bailiffs, while Chas. Lindemann and Frank Marks are acting in that capacity for the petit jury.

Major Max Sebald is assisting Clerk of Court Carl P.


At the opening of court the following attorneys from out of the city were present: A. G. Loomis and Alex. Seifert of Springfield, and L. G. Davis and Alb. Hauser of Sleepy Eye.

The following applicants were granted citizenship papers Monday afternoon by Judge Olsen: Carl H. Rosene, Springfield; Frank Biebl, New Ulm; Ole Olseb, Sleepy Eye.

Brown County Journal,

May 23, 1924


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