

Festival season begins in the city of festivals


Bavarian Blast starts Thursday, but it is also the kickoff for a season worth of festivals and events. For the next few months, New Ulm will either be celebrating a festival or be a few days away from the next city event. Most towns and cities have a local festival to celebrate the community, ...

New justice system accommodates the rich and corrupt


To the editor: Since when is defrauding the IRS a misdemeanor and no longer a federal crime? Previously, anyone committing tax evasion was sentenced to severe federal consequences as Al Capone, top gangster, learned. The feds couldn’t nail him for his many major crimes, but did nail him ...

Hauling away memories


There are lots of talented people around here (Sleepy Eye) when it comes to operating big machines. Among them are several generations of Heiderscheidts in multiple enterprises. Since I was a kid, if you wanted earth moved or a building knocked down, you called one of them and let them figure ...

Talking money with adult children


Dear Annie: I would like to add to your advice to the mom whose 22-year-old daughter wants to move into her own apartment. Based on past experience, “Distressed About Departing Dependent” is worried that her daughter will soon be asking her for money to pay rent, which she is unable to ...

Reusing vintage dresser scarves


Dear Heloise: Years ago, I inherited my mother’s dresser scarves. Most were hand-embroidered, and most are rather nice, even after all these years. I noticed that the top of my refrigerator gets rather dusty, so I use one of these dresser scarves to protect it against dust by laying the scarf ...

Sound of Freedom a Rorschach test for all sides


Sound of Freedom opened July 4 in a limited number of theaters with comparably little advertising and immediately beat out Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Wow. So let’s get some questions out of the way. Is it a good movie? Yes, very good. The cinematography is excellent, ...