
Twins players, announcers come to New Ulm

Staff photo by Steve Muscatello Minnesota Twins players Robbie Grossman (center) and Jorge Polanco (right) sign autographs for Kate and Isaak Brand during the Winter Caravan stop Monday at the Best Western Blus in New Ulm. In the background is broadcaster Corey Provus is pictured in the background at left. For more photos of this event go to cu.nujournal.com

NEW ULM — It was not baseball weather outside but inside at the Best Western Plus about 90 fans attended the Minnesota Twins Winter Caravan.

Twins players Jorge Polanco, Robby Grossman and Twins broadcaster Cory Provus talked Twins’ baseball along with TC Bear.

Both Polanco and Grossman said that they are excited about this season especially after playing in a wild card game last year in Yankee Stadium and gaining that experience.

Provus added that the additions of Fernando Rodney, Zach Duke and Addison Reed will make the Twins’ bullpen much better.

“Rodney is the closer with Reed being a key set-up guy,” Provus said. “And then we have Duke, Taylor Rogers, Trevor Hildenberger and Allen Busenitz. That is a nice group of veteran guys with some young performers who we saw grow last year.”

Provus also said that former Twins’ player Justin Morneau is going to officially retire on Wednesday.

“He is going to be named the Twins ambassador and will also be on Fox Sports North,” Provus said. “He will be on TV with Dick Bremer and Bert Blyleven.”

One of the questions asked was how did the Twins react when they traded away closer Brandon Kintzler midway last season.

“We had a team meeting and decided that we had to have the same attitude that we had before the trade,” Grossman said.

Polanco recalled his call-up to the Twins on June 24, 2014.

“When I was told that I cried and when I called my mother and she cried,” he said.


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