

Trouble coming to the surface

To the editor: There has been a lot of talk about white privilege lately. That might have been true down south 50 to 60 years ago. But the only privilege I can see today is Democrat privilege. The Washington, D.C. elite are completely out of touch with the plight of common men and women who ...

Pointing the nation in the right direction

To the editor: As I sit back and look at the comments of criticism and support of the letter that Jan Platz wrote and the one that I wrote previously, I want to express my feelings about these subjects. Jan’s letter was to the point, listing what is happening in our world and to our ...

Pregnancy resource centers

To the editor: Several months ago, I wrote an editorial about the Minnesota department of health statistics on abortion and the latest legislative changes affecting life decisions. I indicated that women should be allowed to have all the information available to them about their baby in ...

Snake in the grass

To the editor: You wouldn’t think it would ever come to this, but it has. “Abortion” has become a huge topic of discussion in our country. Along with killing a baby right up to the “due date”, we now have the over-the-counter birth control pill approved by the FDA with no age ...

New justice system accommodates the rich and corrupt

To the editor: Since when is defrauding the IRS a misdemeanor and no longer a federal crime? Previously, anyone committing tax evasion was sentenced to severe federal consequences as Al Capone, top gangster, learned. The feds couldn’t nail him for his many major crimes, but did nail him ...

America is in crisis

To the editor: America has been in many crisis, the Revolutionary war, WW1, Pearl Harbor, WWll, Viet Nam war, 9-11 crisis, the Iraq war, Afghanistan war and now America is involved in the Ukrainian war and we have billions of dollars spent in the Ukrainian war. This time its with people ...