
Divine intervention — maybe

To the Editor:

So a conspiracy theorist on the right wants to advance the notion of “Divine Intervention” in the former president’s surviving the assassination attempt of a 20-year-old registered Republican.

I have some counter-conspiracy theories too that might need some consideration. Why was the former president not wearing his shoes during the speech that day? If it’s on account of his vanity, why doesn’t he surrender to vanity and wear some comfortable shoes? How about some Crocs? Those might aid him in his every-man appeal.

And why haven’t we seen the “mosquito bite” of a wound, as the former president identified it? Perhaps there is some subterfuge here. Everyone is well aware how he craves attention, and the reality of his wound isn’t as sympathy-evoking as the former president would like. The attack was deplorable, but the wound would appear to be inconsequential.

These are the kinds of trivialities from which the Right would conjure up some colossal conspiracy theories.

Methinks the former President has some serious questions that need to be answered. But his track record for answering questions is dubious at best and usually nonexistent. Spewing lies is his bailiwick.

I’ll agree with the stated notion of “Divine Intervention,” but I’d go in a different direction.

Perhaps the former president was spared because God is affording him yet another opportunity to change his ways. We all know that “with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) So maybe this is one more chance for the incorrigible reprobate to plead for forgiveness for his decades of corruption, lying, cheating, and all sorts of un-Christian behaviors.

Perhaps there have been foxhole Christians. There have likely been people who had their come-to-Jesus epiphany on their deathbeds. “With God all things are possible.” It’s never too late.

However, I heard the former president say in an interview once that he didn’t need to ask for forgiveness, but this was before his 34 felony convictions. Maybe, coupled with the assassination attempt, he’s taken time for a little closer introspection into his sordid life…

I just saw the “lowlights” from his campaign event last night…

I’m not holding my breath. I believe I’m 100% correct in my incorrigible assessment.

Keith R. Klawitter


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