
Same old rhetoric in Trump in speech

To the editor:

Like many of you I couldn’t wait for Thursday evening to listen to Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech. When Gov. George Wallace was running for president his campaign statement was “Segregation Forever”. After the attempt on his life he became a strong supporter for civil rights. I was hoping Mr. Trump would have a more understanding, less hateful, and more peaceful outlook after the attempt on his life. Instead he rambled on for over 90 minutes with the same hateful rhetoric.

Trump idolizes Al Capone of all people. Mr. Trump said that he is the most honest and loyal President we have ever had. Ask his first wife how honest and loyal he is. Ask his second wife how honest and loyal he is. Ask his third wife how honest and loyal he is.

How many times do we have to hear him say he was cheated out of the last election. The three swing states he lost, recounted the votes three times and found none of his claims to be valid.   The Courts found none of his claims to be valid.

I do not care who you vote for, just quit telling me Mr. Trump is an honest, kind man. Sixty percent of the people in the United States do not want either of these two grumpy old men. At least he has a veteran on his ticket that won’t say a POW who suffered beating after beating isn’t a Hero.

Joe is out now. In my opinion, if Don would’ve let Nikki Haley step in, they would have won 45 States.

There were some interesting letters to the editor last week. One letter said that the Democrats were the cause of the hate. That person quoted the Good Book as well. Even though it was Mr. Trump who said “Let Them Burn in Hell.” That sounds hateful to me. Mr. Trump has been calling people names for over eight years. He complains about not getting respect, but you have to give respect in order to receive it. Another letter stated, you reap what you sow. How true. The third person who wrote, has complained about our economy, taxes, and elections for years. I have been told I am a very good listener but I find it very difficult these days to listen with empathy to those who complain about taxes, the economy, and how hard times are, when people still travel to Europe, Mexico, Australia, etc. Millions and millions of people are vacationing again, unemployment stays steady, help wanted signs are everywhere. Contradicting all fearmongers.

    By the way, who exactly is the “left”? Anyone who doesn’t have the same opinion? Why would you be proud your prediction came true. I sense a lot of hate in those words. Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan all had someone who thought, in their mind, the world would be better off with that person gone. That doesn’t mean they were left or right. Just that they were unstable people.

    The good book also says we should examine oneself. Instead of pointing fingers and accusing each other of falsehoods, we must look inside ourselves to see if we are guilty of contributing to these lies and accusations.

   Thank you for your time,

   Lester Werner

   405 s. Carver St

   Winthrop MN 55396


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