
Free money?

To the editor:

The Saturday/Sunday Nov. 25-26 issue of The Journal featured a front page article about $14 million approved by the City Council for capital improvements at their recent meeting. I’m not writing to debate the merits of the projects. Capital expenditures are always necessary whether in business or government. How those projects are funded varies. The author of the article does a good job of explaining the location and costs of the projects.

I do however, take exception to the last sentence of the second paragraph. I quote “With these two funding sources, there will be no financial impact on the people of New Ulm.” The funding sources mentioned were $11 million “already accounted for”, and the rest from future bonding. In either case, these capital expenditures do indeed have a financial impact on the citizens of New Ulm. Perhaps this is the new math being taught in our schools? Bonding and funds already in the city coffers are somehow free money? Unless these funds are coming from grants from the Federal treasury or other sources (which ultimately has a financial impact on everybody’s finances), there is no free lunch. Maybe the sentence could have been worded better.

Otherwise, I think I’ll stop by my local bank in search of some capital that won’t have a financial impact on my bottom line. I can’t wait to hear my loan officers’ take on that one. I do have some projects in mind….

Paul Platz



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