
In response to the hateful Pride Month letter

To the editor:

It’s time to check the facts. The LBGTQIA+ community is not pushing their agenda with a new month. Pride month was established in 1999, not after the marriage amendment was passed in 2013. More importantly, it was used to help a community be seen, heard, and protected. In 1998, Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten, tied up in a field, and left to die, all because he was gay.

Your hateful agenda is what made those kids feel like that was OK to do. As you proclaim that every life matters, then why are you not fighting for the most marginalized of our communities? Making sure they are not bullied, beaten, and left for dead? Does your god not value everyone or only those of your choosing? Instead of helping those in need, you spew very non-Christian-like agenda that leaves them vulnerable.

If you would like a display on pro-life, ask your Church to do that. It’s not up to the Grand or any other establishment in our state to push out your agenda because they are celebrating Pride Month.

FYI, “Each October the Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday.” So, go forth and plan at your own church.

Carolyn Borgen

New Ulm


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