
National Day of Prayer

To the editor:

Jesus prayed, so we should too! The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 4.

In 1952 President Harry Truman signed a joint resolution of Congress establishing an annual national day of prayer. In 1988 President Ronald Regan and Congress amended the law to designate the first Thursday of every May to be an annual observance. On May 4th, Christians will gather across the United States to pray for their country. “Pray fervently in righteousness and avail much” from James 5:16, is this year’s theme and directs prayer in seven specific areas: Family, Church, Business & Workplace, Education, Military, Government, and Arts, Media & Entertainment.

To assist in the endeavor, I am hosting an open house of prayer at 136 South Highland Avenue May 4 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. I will bake homemade bread all day and will provide juice to wash it down. We will celebrate the privilege of prayer in conversation and teaching. There will be rooms set aside for individual prayer and one for corporate prayer. People of any or no religion are welcome, and we will pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Come and be loved and comforted. We are all sinners who need forgiveness. God’s power, love, faithfulness, creativity, and wisdom are immeasurable, and He is fully willing and able to hear and answer our fervent prayers.

Gigi Rysdahl

New Ulm

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