
Sunday is designated for family

Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: My husband and I have three very young children, and we waited about eight years after we got married to start our family. Our kids are important to us, so we wanted to develop a bond with them while raising them.

We decided that Sunday was our “family day.” We have breakfast together and go to a movie, art museum or some other type of attraction afterward. They are allowed to bring friends along if they want, but we try to do things just as a family. I see too many kids on their own so much of the time; I know it can’t be helped in some situations, but I’m glad we made the decision to start this weekly “family day” years ago.

My husband and I want our children to know that we are there for them and this is their home. It must be paying off because the two oldest are straight A students (the youngest starts school next year); they’re into sports and, so far, have never been in trouble.

I’m not an expert on child care or on raising children, but in most cases, a little common sense and love go a long way. Both my husband and I work, but no matter how busy we get during the week, Sunday is our family day. — Lynn and Doug, Clearfield, Pennsylvania



Dear Heloise: I am a retired pharmacist, and I have some hints for your readers:

— When you get home after picking up your pills, count them carefully. If a doctor wants you to take a pill twice a day for 30 days, this would equal 60 pills, for example. We make mistakes, too, so make certain that all your pills are accounted for and that you aren’t one or two short.

— When you toss your pill bottles in the recycling bin, remember to remove the labels first. The type of medication you take should stay between you and your doctor.

— Highlight the expiration date and keep a close eye on it. Medication does expire at some point.

— Highlight the medication’s prescription (Rx) number. You never know when you’ll need to read that off to a pharmacist or emergency medical services.

— Never give out medication to a friend who claims to have the same ailments as you. Unless you are a practicing physician, you shouldn’t be dispensing medication.

— Don’t bring all of your medication to a doctor’s office when you go to see them. Either write down the names and dosages of your medications, or use your mobile phone to take a close-up picture of the labels.

I hope this helps people. — William N., Topeka, Kansas


Dear Heloise: My mother’s eyesight is bad, so to help her out, we got a large sheet of this cardboard from a craft store. We then took a magic marker and wrote all of her important phone numbers on it. Then I hung it on the inside of a cupboard door in her home. The letters and numbers are about 2 inches tall. Now she can call her doctors, dentist, friends and others with ease. — Grace W., Mapleton, Utah

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