
Christmas and science fiction? No thanks

I don’t know what the right season is for science fiction, but it ain’t Christmas. I’m still stunned by the success of “Avatar: The Way of Water” during the holiday season. I just don’t see a science fiction channel releasing it’s “25 days of Christmas” lineup or this becoming a 24-hour marathon on TBS. Whoever thought that Christmas of 2022 is the best time for Avatar should be canned.

Yes, I know, the movie has been remarkably successful and continues it’s streak of raising millions of dollars for James Cameron and the crew of merpeople. Yes, I realize that science fiction is a popular genre of movies that brought us “Star Wars,” “Predator,” “Wall-E” and “Dune.” I just can’t put Christmas and science fiction together in my mind.

Part of it might be that I’m stuffed to the gills with the Christmas movie selections already available. The idea of a 3-hour tour of science fiction, surrounded by people in an underwater world is not appealing to someone who has already gorged themselves on movies about two professionals finding love during a surprise blizzard and cups of cocoa after getting stranded in a town with a struggling economy and the thought of no parade! Riveting, I tell you, riveting storyline!

But the other movie out during Christmas was about a pirate cat. Yes, you read that right. Hollywood thought we’d like either an underwater drama or a pirate cat. Those are our choices. Who are these people who went to see “Avatar?” I love the thought of kids being home from school for the holiday and being rewarded for shoveling the walk by being treated to a movie at the theater. If that was the reward, I think I’d rather learn to knit blindfolded (Sorry, knitters.)

Maybe I’m more of a traditionalist than I thought. Give me “Home Alone,” “A Christmas Story,” “Mistletoe Mayhem,” and yes, Bruce, I would put “Die Hard” in this category. Give me action, comedy, a romantic comedy but not Smurfs with pointy ears living underwater! Give me the “Muppets Christmas Carol!”

Maybe it’s because Christmas is already so full of made-up creatures and Hollywood thought we could tolerate another species in the stable. Between Rudolph, the Bumble, Yukon Cornelius and a bunch of elves, poor Jesus is going to need a bigger star to keep the spotlight. But I do think it’s time for another holiday movie tradition to come on the scene.

I don’t know what I would want, so I can’t skewer Hollywood too much. Who knew “A Christmas Story” would be the movie marathon in December.

Did we really think Bill Murray in “Scrooged” would be a classic?

And I can appreciate Hollywood for taking a risk and seeing if it works. And apparently, it did for a lot of folks, but not me. We’ve all been through a lot the past couple of years. Pandemic, economy, eggs are $5 a dozen, you name it. But let me be clear, at no time did I have a desire for a 3-hour science fiction tour with no Gilligan antics.

I prefer the Professor but whatever floats your boat. I’m not saying the movie shouldn’t have been made, I’m asking, “why at Christmas time?” I’m not saying you are a horrible person if you love Avatar. I just don’t get it. No one serves pumpkin pie at Easter.


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