
School board candidates start rolling in

NEW ULM – Candidates have started rolling into the New Ulm School Board race after the filing period opened July 30.

Two candidates have filed for re-election. Vice Chair Jonathan Schiro has thrown his hat in the ring for what would be his third term. He said he wants to continue working on the school district near and dear to his family.

“I have really enjoyed being on the school board and giving back,” Schiro said. “Both my kids and my wife have graduated from here. With everything in the CTE center and our new superintendent, I want to help move things forward.”

In his next four years, Schiro said he would be committed to keeping New Ulm at a high standard and work to expand current projects.

“With a relatively new superintendent, a lot of it in the first year will be helping and ensuring things run smoothly at a high level any way they need it,” he said. “I look to continue growing the CTE center. I am big on offering something for every student’s future.”

Matt Ringhofer is also looking to re-capture his place on the board. He said his work with fellow board members has put them in a great direction and has made him a happy camper.

“The school board has been a very rewarding opportunity,” Ringhofer said. “It has been great to be part of a system that has done great things for kids.”

Looking toward the issues he seeks to grapple with in his next term, Ringhofer said CTE Center program expansion and staff retention are two of his goals.

“We are trying to make sure the CTE Center is representative of numerous different trades for kids to take on. The CTE center is something we need to keep focusing on. Our staff bring a lot of great ideas. We need to keep this a desirable and appealing place to be for people who are already here and who want to be here.”

No newcomers have filed to challenge for one of the four seats as of Friday morning. Incumbents Christie Dewanz and Denny Waloch have yet to file.


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