
Nicollet Public School Board hears report on social media bullying

NICOLLET –The Nicollet Public School Board on Wednesday heard a report by Superintendent Robin Courrier on bullying incidents at the school involving cellphones and social media.

The incidents of bullying were occurring mostly on the Snapchat application. Students were using the social media ap to send group text messages. Some students were using messenger aps to attack, harass and criticize other students.

Courrier said proof of the social media bullying was obtained Jan. 30. The school received a screenshot of an inappropriate conversation shared among students.

The school’s handbook’s policy on cellphones, in class bullying, and rude behavioral was reviewed at a staff meeting at the end of the day Jan. 30.

Letters were sent to parents of students in grades 7-12 regarding inappropriate social media activity on personal cellphones. In the letter, Courrier outline school policy regarding a zero tolerance protocol regarding cell phone use. Grades 9-12 will not be allowed to use phones during school hours; except during lunch.

The letter explained the steps were being taken because social media had become a platform to harass, emotionally abuse and degrade fellow students. In at least one incident harassment rose to the level of illegal activity that could be turned over to authorities.

“We are going to adhere to following our rules in a classroom,” said Courrier. “A school assembly of grades 9-12 was held Feb. 1 regarding the incident. Students and staff will not be using their cellphones during class time unless authorized by the administration for educational purposes.”

A committee will review the school’s handbook policy to see if stricter guidelines of cellphone use are needed. Any revisions will be brought to the school board for approval.

NECC Playground

Courrier said that the removal of equipment and fencing should begin April 1 for the Nicollet Early Childhood Center playground. New equipment is scheduled to be delivered April 22.

The build should be underway in May. There are plans to secure the construction area with fences. The daycare will use the elementary playground. Buses will use an alternate area for pick up and drop off because of construction equipment near the daycare area.


Jim Freihammer, the school disttrict business manager, has a deadline of February 16 to have everything ready for the auditors. The audit report is scheduled to be presented to the school board at their April 10 meeting.


The school district is now a member of Code.org. It is an organization that provides staff development for the area of computer science. It also provides many resources for pre-K through 12th grade computer science development and curriculum.

“We learned about it at a recent MSBA Leadership Conference. It will help us provide computer science as an elective for secondary students and computer science will be integrated into the Mystery Science for elementary students,” said Courrier.

Principals Report

Courrier reviewed the principals report that she and K-8 Principal Nancy Remmert prepared.

•Snow Week was held from February 12-16. The Student Engagement, Choose to be Nice, continues at the school with weekly visits to elementary classrooms by student ambassadors.

•A successful pancake breakfast was held on Feb. 13 with the 9th grade handling many of the details of the event. K-4 100th day celebration is scheduled for Feb. 15. ACT 2024 tests will be March 12. MCA 2024 tests will be given April and May.

• An open meeting is scheduled for February 26, 3 p.m., to discuss district negotiations.

•The 2024 Quincy/Nashville/Memphis Trip for the band and choir is scheduled for March 22-29.

• Superintendent Courrier and Board Chair Adam Erickson plan to visit the capitol March 18 to meet with legislators. Other school board members are welcome to attend.

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