
Brig. Gen. Bertrang to speak at Memorial Day observance

At 10 a.m. Monday at City Cemetery

NEW ULM — Minnesota National Guard Brig. Gen. Jeff Bertrang will speak at the New Ulm Memorial Day Observance that begins at 10 a.m., Monday, May 29 at City Cemetery.

A parade forms at 9:30 a.m. May 29 in the City Cemetery and will proceed down Cemetery Avenue.

A Henderson native, Bertrang retired as 34th Red Bull Division deputy commander in 2012 after 29 years of military service. He served in Kosovo and on state active duty training missions including the 1985 Hormel strike, the 1997 New Ulm flood response and the 1998 St. Peter tornado response.

Currently, the New Ulm Public Schools superintendent, Bertrang has been a classroom teacher, principal and superintendent for over 33 years at three school districts. He and his wife Wendy have three children.

Recent New Ulm High School graduate Mitchell Schotzko will read the Gettysburg Address. A 2022 Boy’s State attendee, he will soon return to the program as a counselor. In his free time, he enjoys gaming, playing tennis and pickelball and playing various instruments. Schotzko will attend the University of Minnesota Duluth this fall. He plans to major in mechanical engineering.

New Ulm High School graduate Nathaniel Janssen will give the memorial address. He is one of 10 national FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) officers. He serves as the National Vice President of Parliamentary Law.

Chosen a 2022 Minnesota Boys State delegate, he was elected New Ulm’s first-ever boys State Governor. He was also selected Minnesota Senior Senator to Boys Nation and was the Outstanding Boys Stater in 2022.

Janssen plans to major in legal studies and business, leading to a career in law.

Musical selections will be performed by the Concord Singers under the direction of Pat Sonnek and the New Ulm Municipal Band, directed by Don Jirak.

Bronze flag staffs and flags will be placed in the Veterans Section of the City Cemetery at 9 a.m., Thursday, May 26. Bronze markers will remain in place until 9 a.m., June 15.

New Ulm businesses are asked to display their flags at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day.


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