
GFW board OKs new hires

Jacobson as head boys basketball coach

GIBBON — The Gibbon Fairfax Winthrop (GFW) School Board unanimously approved new personnel hires Monday.

Action came on a motion by Mike Kuehn, second by Casey Prochniak. New hires include theater/play director Samarah Forster, paraprofessional April Gunderman, head boys basketball coach Ryan Jacobson, van driver Lyna Kaskinen, middle/high school head cook Amy Foster and Nicole Jaus, T-Bird Club.

The school district transportation team was honored in school and community recognition early in the meeting.

Supt. Jeff Horton mentioned school district signage in his report. Board member Marissa Lee said she thought something should be done to improve a sign in Fairfax. Mike Kuehn agreed school district signs need to be improved.

Student board representative Lauren Messner reported “it feels like things are back to normal. Students are enjoying how the school year is going, adjusting to schedules and responding to new teachers well.”

“It’s not quite back to normal, but its’ looking more like normal,” said Kuehn.

Since two board members were not at the meeting, the board tabled to November meeting in executive (closed) session to discuss Superintendent Jeff Horton’s performance evaluation.

(Fritz Busch can be emailed at fbusch@



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