
Change to Chill Week starts Oct. 11

MINNEAPOLIS — Let’s face it, we could all use a chill week! Good news, Change to Chill’s “Chill Week,” starts next Monday, Oct. 11th. Structured to resemble a traditional school homecoming week, Chill Week focuses on a daily theme to encourage teens (and adults) to think about and practice self-care using Change to Chill’s free online resources and activities.

The themes for this year’s Chill Week are:

• Move-it Monday – focus on physical activity and mindful movement.

• Tour Tuesday – encourages participants to find the places in their communities that help them unwind and de-stress (i.e. school Chill Zone, local park, community garden, etc.).

• Well-being Wednesday – directs participants to the Change to Chill Stress Factor Quiz to assess their stressors, understand their physical impacts, and learn ways to cope. Also encourages discussion about mental health stigma.

• Thankful Thursday – encourages participants to practice gratitude as a way to improve their mood and overall health and well-being.

• Friendship Friday – emphasizes the importance of social connectedness and healthy relationships.

All are welcome to participate, whether as an individual, school or community organization, or as a family. For more information, check out this year’s Chill Week guide. We also encourage you to follow Change to Chill on social media and show how you celebrate #ChillWeek.

Change to Chill is a free online resource from Allina health that offers mental health resources for teens designed to help them learn how to relax and integrate healthy habits into their lifestyle. Whether a teen, a mentor or a parent, mindfulness guides and stress management activities to help you soothe your minds and Change to Chill.


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