
New District 88 teachers ready to start year

This year’s new District 88 teachers gather outside New Ulm Middle School on Monday after the first day of new teacher orientation in preparation for the new school year.. Nearly 20 teachers were added to New Ulm public this year. Bottom row L to R: Jacob Beilke (Grade 6), Jill Berdan (Eagles 3), McKenzie Weis (7-8 grade) and Angela Blair (2nd grad). Row 2: L to R: Nicole Degner (Spec. Ed), Noelle Geyer (English), Niki Greenwood (ECSE/ASD) and Madelyne Hemp (Grade 6th). Second from top L to R: Tierra Jorgensen (Kindergarten Sp. ED), Jessica Koehler (HS Band/Music), Mikayla Lindell (Phy Ed/DAPE), Devan Masessa (Grade 2) and Timothy Smith (Counselor). Top Row L to R: Nicole Tyhurst (Grade 4), Megan Vit (Grade 4), Katherine Wangensteen (Grade 4), Anita Weir (Level 3 EBD Teacher) and Caitlin Wilson (Counselor). School begins Sept. 4 for grades 1, 5, 9, and Sept. 5 for all grades. Kindergarten starts on Sept. 6.

This year’s new District 88 teachers gather outside New Ulm Middle School on Monday after the first day of new teacher orientation in preparation for the new school year.. Nearly 20 teachers were added to New Ulm public this year. Bottom row L to R: Jacob Beilke (Grade 6), Jill Berdan (Eagles 3), McKenzie Weis (7-8 grade) and Angela Blair (2nd grad). Row 2: L to R: Nicole Degner (Spec. Ed), Noelle Geyer (English), Niki Greenwood (ECSE/ASD) and Madelyne Hemp (Grade 6th). Second from top L to R: Tierra Jorgensen (Kindergarten Sp. ED), Jessica Koehler (HS Band/Music), Mikayla Lindell (Phy Ed/DAPE), Devan Masessa (Grade 2) and Timothy Smith (Counselor). Top Row L to R: Nicole Tyhurst (Grade 4), Megan Vit (Grade 4), Katherine Wangensteen (Grade 4), Anita Weir (Level 3 EBD Teacher) and Caitlin Wilson (Counselor). School begins Sept. 4 for grades 1, 5, 9, and Sept. 5 for all grades. Kindergarten starts on Sept. 6.


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