
Court News and Tickets

Court proceedings

Sibley County Court • Michael Ray Rannow, 57, Hector, pleaded guilty to 3rd-degree DWI Jan. 16. He was sentenced to 364 days in the Sibley County Jail, stayed for up to two years supervised probation. He must complete a comprehensive assessment within 60 days, follow all recommendations, no ...

Brown County Record

(Charges are petty misdemeanors unless otherwise noted) THEFT Beverley Ann Martens. Mankato. Stay of imposition. $1,838.11 including $1,453.11 restitution. Successfully complete 16-hour theft awareness class, may receive fine credit. Do not use self-checkout lanes/machines. No contact with ...

Sibley County District Court

Sibley County District Court • Vanesa Jaylynn Redman, 21, Kasota pleaded guilty to 4th-degree DWI Jan. 2. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail, stayed for up to one year supervised probation. Conditions include 16 days in the Sibley County Jail, completing a comprehensive assessment within ...

Brown County Record

Brown County District Court (Charges are petty misdemeanors unless otherwise noted) THEFT Beverley Ann Martens. Mankato. Stay of imposition. $1,838.11 including $1,453.11 restitution. Successfully complete 16-hour theft awareness class, may receive fine credit. Do not use self-checkout ...

Court Proceedings

Sibley County District Court • Vanesa Jaylynn Redman, 21, Kasota pleaded guilty to 4th-degree DWI Jan. 2. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail, stayed for up to one year supervised probation., Conditions include 16 days in the Sibley County Jail, complete a comprehensive assessment within ...

Brown County Record

DRIVING AFTER CANCELLATION-INIMICAL TO PUBLIC SAFETY Brian Lynn Kral Jr. New Ulm. Stay of adjudication. $300. 1 year supervised probation. Sentence to service 24 hours per year for 1 year. DWI Samuel J. Rodriguez. New Ulm. $510. 90 days local confinement, stayed for 2 years unsupervised ...