
Off the Shelf

Here we are at the beginning of February and tax season is here. The library has resources to help you complete this yearly task! If you choose to file your taxes yourself, we have the 1040/1040SR forms and instructions in English and Spanish. The tax forms and instruction booklets are located in the hallway near the Children’s Room; you are welcome to come in and help yourself. If you need additional forms, stop at the Service Desk and we can print them out for you for $.25 per side (double sided forms are $.50). If you have access to a computer, you can visit irs.gov to view, download and print any tax forms you may need. The IRS website also has a lot of useful information including resources for filing your Federal and Minnesota taxes online for free. Note: We also have the 1099-Misc form if you are looking for one of them.

The Minnesota Department of Revenue doesn’t provide the library with tax forms, but we have printed out some of the most common forms. The following are available at the Service Desk for $.25 per side.

M1 – Individual Tax Form

M1PR – Homestead Credit Refund – Homeowners only. Starting with the 2024 tax year Renters Credit is now entered on the M1 Individual Tax Form.

CRP – Certificate of Rent Paid – The library no longer has printed forms. CRP forms must now be submitted online using the MN Department of Revenue e-services.

If you need any other tax forms or tax tables, library staff would be happy to print them for you at a cost of $.25 per side.

Once again this year, free tax preparation by IRS-certified preparers is being offered in the meeting room on the lower level of the library. This service is sponsored by the United Way of the Brown County Area and the library. It is available by appointment only, so please call 507-276-3186 to set up an appointment. If your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name and phone number and they will call you back.

April 15 will be here before we know it!

New Ulm Public Library is located at 17 North Broadway and is open from 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. on Monday-Thursday and 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday-Saturday. The library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents Day.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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