
Arts programs at the library

Off the Shelf

The connection between libraries and art is not a new one. Ancient libraries in China, Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece all included visual information in their collections. For much of history, literacy rates among the general populace were extremely low. How did people get their information? Pictures! Sculptures! Plays! Speeches! Modern libraries are proud to carry on this tradition of offering a variety of ways to access information besides the written word.

I know I’ve said it before, but it is a common refrain for someone to exclaim they didn’t know the library offered all things we have available for the community. Some of our programs happen regularly and others happen occasionally, so if you have an interest in a class, performance, or other type of event please let us know! In case you didn’t know – or anyone you know who might be interested – here are some of the great arts programs we host at the library.

All year long, we have a wonderful needleworking group that meets twice each month on the first and third Wednesday up in our adult non-fiction area. They meet from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and work on individual projects that cover a variety of crafts: embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, knitting, crocheting, and more. Enjoy space to work on your project and meet new people!

From mid-September thru mid-November and mid-January thru mid-May, we also have an art group that meets each Wednesday afternoon from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in our meeting room. Bring your painting, sketch, watercolor, or other 2D art project to work on and enjoy space to work, a sink to clean your brushes, and table covers to minimize the mess. Both the needle working and art groups regularly request classes on a variety of techniques and interests. In 2023 we have had a painting class, an art exhibit, and a knitting class. Look forward to what we offer next year!

If you’re interested in music, the library hosted 9 musical events this year including concerts, demonstrations, and presentations to inform and entertain. That doesn’t include our occasional music therapy story times either! From classical symphonies to musical storytelling and popular holiday songs, traditional flamenco to bluegrass and hip hop, we try to provide programs to meet a wide variety of musical tastes and interests.

Did you know we have monthly STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) programs for kids? Creative Kids and Wacky Wonders present fun activities once a month for children in kindergarten and first grade or second thru fifth grade respectively. You can check our events calendar for details on how to register so we have enough materials prepared for everyone.

We hope you find something through the library that interests you and gives you the opportunity to make friends, practice your hobbies, learn something new, or just have fun! If you are interested in something, let us know, and we’ll see what we can do to make it happen.

The library will be closed Monday, December 25 and Monday, January 1 for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. The library is located at 17 N. Broadway and is open to the public Monday to Thursday 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.


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