Second Annual Affair
Some Time During Middle
Of February.
Commercial Club Favors The Extending Of Electric Current.
Preparations for the staging of the second annual Auto and Style Show were started at a meeting of the Commercial Club held in the Club Rooms Tuesday evening. Although no definite date has been set it is presumed that the event will take place some time in February, between the fifteenth and twentieth and it will again be staged in the Armory.
Committees Appointed.
Several committees were appointed to take charge of the affair and they have already commenced to lay their plans. F. H. Retzlaff, John Siebenbrunner and J. P. Graff were named as the automobile show committee, J. A. Ochs, MI. J. Bieber and Fred Schrlke for the style show. Other committees are: Shoe department, P. J. Eichten,Wm. A. Lindemann and Geo. Wicherski; Millinery, Mrs. W. O. Arndt, Miss Marie Korbel and Mrs. Anna Rinke; Clothing, Carl Crone, Fred Meine and Tauscheck & Green.
Model Contest.
According to inside information received by the Review representative, it is planned to have some kind of a contest for the girls of the city, the winners of the contest to be picked as models to aid in displaying of the latest fashions for milady. So the young ladies of the city who would like to be chosen for this work had better start in laying their wires and pulling their ropes.
To Be Bigger Than Last Year.
If present plans work out, the Style and Auto Show will eclipse the one held last year in all respects. With previous experience behind them the committees will have a better knowledge of how to proceed this year and several members have kept their eyes and ears open for suggestions and new ideas. Further announcement along this line will be given the Review readers as soon as something new develops.
Favor Extending Current.
August Hummel brought up the matter of extending the electric current of the city to the neighboring towns of Courtland, Klossner and Milford, as these towns have asked for it, and stated that in his opinion the club should endorse the proposition and inform the council of their endorsement. A committee composed of Aug. Hummel J. A. Ochs, H. H. Walter, Otto Oswald and Ed C. Veeck was appointed to take this matter up with the council.
New Ulm Review,
January 14, 1925