Slight Damage To Machine While Driver Sustains
Minor Injuries.
Louis Kreuger, one of the truck drivers for Lundin Bros., had a narrow escape from death Saturday afternoon, when the truck he was driving was struck broadside by the eastbound freight on the Northwestern railroad. The accident occurred on the bad crossing near the New Ulm Roller Mill on Center Street, The Mack truck is damaged to some extent, while the driver escaped with slight cuts on his face inflicted by the broken glass.
Was A Gravel Truck.
Kreuger was returning from the gravel hill south of New Ulm with a load of gravel. He was enroute to Winthrop where the men are at work graveling highway number 15. The freight from the west, due here around 4 o’clock, was pulling into the yard when Kreuger attempted to cross the tracks. The truck was in the middle of the crossing when the engine collided with it, and the force of the impact turned the truck around in its tracks. Kreuger went to his home in Mankato and the damaged truck was pulled to Mankato to be repaired.
Second Accident
This is the second accident to occur on that particular crossing within the past month. Jos. Boettger was seriously injured in an accident which occurred there when the afternoon passenger struck the Ford Coupe in which he and a friend were driving. Fortunately neither was fatally injured although Mr. Boettger is still in the hospital.
New Ulm Review,
January 14, 1925