

Members of County

Association Take This Action at Annual Meeting Here, Friday Evening.






Six Directors and

President Chosen to

Prepare Rules Governing Activities in Future.


About 25 members attended the annual meeting of the Brown County Poultry association held at the Commercial club rooms here, Friday evening. Of these, four were from Sleepy Eye, while the balance were residents of New Ulm. Various pertinent matters were discussed at length, and the gathering proved a very interesting one.

Show at Sleepy Eye.

Inasmuch as the Sleepy Eye members put in a bid for the 1925 poultry show for that city, action to this effect was taken unanimously by the vote of those present in the meeting, although Sleepy Eye fanciers failed to show any perceptible enthusiasm toward securing the exhibition for their city last year. In fact, only about half a dozen poultry fanciers from Sleepy Eye were members of the association during the past twelve-month. On the other hand, New Ulm breeders continue to contribute their annual dues, regardless of whether the show is held here or at Sleepy Eye.

Constitution and By-Laws.

During the annual meeting here, it was decided to have a committee, composed of the president and six directors, prepare a regulation constitution and by-laws for the conduct of the association’s business in future. The new governing rules will be submitted to the members at a special meeting in the near future, at which time, if adopted, a re-organization will take place with the election of officers.

Temporary Election.

For the present, Frank Neudecker of Sleepy Eye was elected temporary Raabe, New Ulm, and Miss Clara Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye, three-year terms;Wm. A. Lindemann, New Ulm, and E. H. Snow, Sleepy Eye, two-year terms; Jos. Karl, New Ulm and Edw. Laue, Sleepy Eye, one-year term.

The Sleepy Eye representatives at the annual meeting we3re Messrs. Neudecker, Snow, Laue and Henry Leitschuh.

Brown County Journal,

Aug. 8. 1924


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