

Parents Should Warn Their

Children Of Deep Water Holes.


Parents should warn their children who are in the habit of going bathing in either the Minnesota or Cottonwood rivers to beware of the deep water as the recent rains have caused the rivers to rise rapidly and they are now higher than they have been for several years.

Cottonwood Rose 3 Feet

A few days ago the Minnesota river was reported as being three or four feet from the top of the banks opposite the Eagle Roller Mill Plant and on Monday morning Arnold Weddendorf informed the Review that the Cottonwood had risen from two to three feet during Sunday night. As it generally takes a few days for the rivers to rise after heavy rains it is expected that the river might climb some more especially so should another heavy rain occur.

Warning To Youngsters

Many youngsters are in the habit of going swimming near the old mill on the Cottonwood river and even tho they are good swimmers the swirl of the stream is so great that they are in danger of getting drowned unless they beware. A little caution in time is liable to save a life.

New Ulm Review,

July 7, 1924


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