Program Appropriate in Commemorating
Memory of Departed
Heroes of Several Wars.
Parade to Start at 9:30 O’Clock. Governor J. A. O. Preus Will Speak at Ft. Ridgely.
Today is Decoration Day and communities all over this broad land are observing the holiday and the memory of the departed veterans, who served in the nation’s several wars, and are resting in the cemeteries.
The members of Hecker Circle, G.A. R., and Ben J. Seifert Post, American Legion, have completed plans for the observance of the day.
A program of the usual nature will be carried out in the morning at the City cemetery. The usual observance program has also been arranged at Ft. Ridgely, as was outlined in the Journal last week.
Gov. J. A. O. Preus will deliver the address of the day at Ft. Ridgely this afternoon. If the weather is propitious it is anticipated that a number of local people will be in attendance. People from all over this part of the state attend the exercises in their own communities in the morning and in the afternoon drive to Ft. Ridgely and are present there at the program.
Schall Cancelled Date.
Congressman Thos. D. Schall who had been secured to deliver the address of the day in New Ulm telegraphed Tuesday that it would be impossible for him to be here.
Parade to Form.
A parade will form at the intersection of Center and State streets at 9:30 o’clock and wend its way through the principal streets of the city to the cemetery as in former years. The 205th Infantry band has volunteered to furnish the music for this occasion gratuitously. This famous organization will be in the line of March,which forms at Center and State streets.
The program, which will be carried out at the City cemetery is as follows:
Music-205th Infantry band.
G.A.R. services.
President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address by Erna Grussendorf.
Song-Ladies of Hecker Circle.
English address.
Song-Ladies of Hecker circle.
Reading of Roster of Dead.
Salute and Taps.
Everybody is cordially invited to be present and participate in the Decoration day exercises.
Brown County Journal
May 30, 1924