
IMMANUEL College choir

IMMANUEL College choir of Eau Claire, Wis. will present a sacred concert at Grace Lutheran Church,710 Fourth Ave. S. W. in Sleepy Eye 8 p.m. Saturday. Three of the students in the group are from this area including Dean Carstensen (back row, exact middle), son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Carstensen of Sleep Eye; Bill Engel,(third row, extreme right), son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Engel of New Ulm, and Paul Nolting (back row, second from left), son of Pastor and Mrs. P. F. Nolting, formerly of Sleepy Eye and now of West Columbia, South Carolina. The public is invited to the concert. New Ulm Daily Journal April 5, 1974

IMMANUEL College choir of Eau Claire, Wis. will present a sacred concert at Grace Lutheran Church,710 Fourth Ave. S. W. in Sleepy Eye 8 p.m. Saturday. Three of the students in the group are from this area including Dean Carstensen (back row, exact middle), son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Carstensen of Sleep Eye; Bill Engel,(third row, extreme right), son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Engel of New Ulm, and Paul Nolting (back row, second from left), son of Pastor and Mrs. P. F. Nolting, formerly of Sleepy Eye and now of West Columbia, South Carolina. The public is invited to the concert.

New Ulm Daily Journal April 5, 1974

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