

Secures Hoagland’s

Big Five Day

Hippodrome Attraction.



WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.


Fun For All And All For Fun For Five Full Days.


Since this issue of the Review is mainly given over to the one and only purpose of boosting New Ulm and its various enterprises, it would not be quite complete without a reference to the Brown Co. Agricultural Ass’n. and what it does to bring enormous crowds to New Ulm every fall. This year they have mapped out a more ambitious plan than ever and a brief outline is herewith given, showing that the Association is arranging for a five days’ fair instead of the usual three days.

In order to be able to book Hoagland’s Hiippodrome for this year’s County Fair, it became necessary for the management to decide in a hurry to increase the number of days of the fair from three as originally planned,to five. Ferdinand Crone, Pres. and William A. Lindemann, Secy., were easily convinced that this was the proper thing to do, as they had for some time debated the advisability of increasing the duration of the fair. Other Fairs Five Days.

Quite a number of Fair Associations of the state hold more than a three days’ Fair and if they can do this successfully, there is no reason why New Ulm cannot do the same thing, especially if it is considered that the fairs staged by the Brown County Agricultural Society have in the matter of attendance and attractions discounted the most others.

Hippodrome Shows.

Hoagland’s Hippodrome will give four afternoon and four evening performances. It in a very expensive attraction, but it will cost only a few dollars more than a two days’ harness races event would have cost and the officers believe that by securing this attraction they have something vastly superior to harness races and that it will satisfy those who have clamored for horse races. The Hippodrome aggregation puts on ten separate and distinct presentations, including chariot races, auto polo, the tornado of sporting achievements and a bucking Ford. They carry a complete outfit which includes 14 horses and 4 auto polo cars. Twelve people take part in these performances.

This Hippodrome comes well recommended. Last year they put on their show at Hutchinson and the Secy .of that County Fair Association assures Mr. Lindemann that this is the best show they have ever booked. It is one that will give universal satisfaction.

Because the platform acts previously booked run for only three days, the management will have to arrange for some other attractions for Sunday afternoon and efforts will be made to secure a ball game between the best teams in this neck of the woods.

Saturday to Wednesday.

As now outlined the fair will begin Saturday, August 23. On that day all the entries will have to be made and the exhibits put in place. Sunday the show really opens and will continue thru Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. There have been enough free acts booked, so that every available minute of the afternoon and evening will be taken up. Then for the evening there will be in addition a splendid exhibition of fireworks. Among the pieces for the pyrotechnic display may be mentioned the eruption of Mt. Etna.

Nearly $5,000 For


Never before in the history of the Fair Association have so many expensive amusement features been booked as this year. The total sum already contracted for aggregates $4,700. The Hippodrome alone costs $2,000, the other free acts, $1200, and the fireworks $1500. The Fair management is to be commended for taking the decisive step calling for a five day fair and also for their efforts to secure nothing but first class attractions.


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