
Our View: Women voted for Trump too

Hillary Clinton apparently believes 26.4 million American women hate themselves, along with everyone else of their gender.

During an interview last week, Clinton was asked why she thought she lost the presidential election last fall. In typical fashion, she blamed everyone but herself and everything but her record and policies.

One factor was misogyny, defined by most dictionaries as hatred of women, Clinton commented. “Yes, I do think it played a role,” she said, adding misogyny is “very much a part of the landscape politically, socially and economically.”

No doubt some people did vote for Donald Trump and against Clinton because she is a woman. Try as we do, we Americans have not yet stamped out bigotry of many varieties.

Various analyses have placed the female vote for Trump at about 42 percent of his total, however. That amounts to more than 26.4 million women who cast their ballots for him.

Are they misogynists? Of course not.

Many voters who cast ballots for Trump did so because they really believe in his policy pronouncements, his pledge to shake up the failed Washington politics of the past and his record as a businessman. Many more, including women, recognized Trump’s flaws, gaffes and misstatements made him a less than perfect candidate but decided to vote for him anyway because “He’s not Hillary.”

It may be hard for Hillary Clinton to accept, but it wasn’t dislike of women that cost her the election, it was dislike of her.


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