

Fatal quarrel among Palestinians

ignites protest in Ramallah

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Relatives of a top Palestinian official rampaged through Ramallah late Wednesday, firing into the air and at government buildings after a family member was killed in a personal quarrel with a Palestinian security officer, security officials said.

Hospital officials confirmed the death of Khalil al-Sheikh in a gunbattle that erupted after his nephew quarreled with the security officer. Al-Sheikh had arrived at the scene with a group of gunmen to help defend his nephew.

Al-Sheikh was the brother of Hussein al-Sheikh, one of the most powerful men in the West Bank. Hussein al-Sheikh is a senior Cabinet minister and close adviser of Palestininian President Mahmoud Abbas. He also is among the few Palestinian leaders to maintain good working relations with Israeli political and security officials.

After Khalil al-Sheikh’s death, family members marched through Ramallah, shooting at government buildings and at the headquarters of the Preventive Security, the security force that employed the suspected killer, security officials said. The sound of automatic gunfire could be heard throughout the city.

Nicaragua archbishop rejects

that chapel fire was accidental

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — Managua’s Roman Catholic archbishop celebrated Mass on Wednesday in front of a fire-scorched chapel at the capital’s cathedral and reiterated the church’s assertion that the fire was a “savage and terrorist” act and not an accident as reported by the National Police.

Cardinal Leopoldo did not say who he believes was responsible for Friday’s fire.

Holding up the charred head of the Christ figure from a widely veneerated four centuries-old wooden crucifixion sculpture that hung inside the chapel, Brenes said Nicaragua’s Roman Catholics are living in an “atmosphere of great sadness and pain.”

The fire came amid a number of attacks on smaller churches around Nicaragua’s interior in recent days.

“Without a doubt the devil is on the loose,” Brenes said. “He wants to hurt the church, the bishops, the priests, our religious, our faithful.”


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