
Springfield takes down St. James in TEL play Friday

ST. JAMES — The Springfield Tigers defeated the St. James Athletics on Friday night in a Tomahawk East League amateur baseball game.

St. James stranded 13 baserunners in the loss.

The Tigers were led by Ashtin Johnson, who was 1 for 3 with two runs scored, while Ryan Sturm was 1 for 4 with three RBIs. Tori Helget got the win in 5 1/3 innings, allowing two earned runs on five hits and three walks while striking out six. Brandon Wilhelmi got the save in 3 2/3 innings, allowing one hit and one walk for no runs while fanning seven.

Connor Jones took the loss for the A’s in 6 1/3 innings of work, allowing three hits and four walks for three earned runs while striking out six. Dylan Grev pitched 2 2/3 innings of hitless, walkless baseball in relief, striking out one. Lucas Anderson led the A’s at the plate, going 2 for 5.


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