
GETTING TO KNOW Will Kaesermann MVL H.S., Sr.

Interview conducted by Ari Selvey

Will Kaesermann has been a leader for the Minnesota Valley Lutheran/New Ulm Cathedral boys track and field team all season, competing in jumping and hurdling events while chipping in on relay teams. In the Tomahawk Conference meet this year, Kaesermann placed first in both the 110-meter and 300-meter hurdles, as well as the triple jump.

Q: What is your dream job?

A: An artist.

Q: If you could have any animal for a pet, what would you pick?

A: A giraffe.

Q: What is your favorite class?

A: Either graphic design or choir.

Q: What is your favorite breakfast food?

A: Waffles with syrup.

Q: What is your favorite song to listen to right now?

A: Levitating by Dua Lipa


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