
GETTING TO KNOW Katelyn Tauer Sleepy Eye H.S., Sr.

Interview conducted

by Travis Rosenau

Sleepy Eye senior pitcher Katelyn Tauer shook off a tough start to her day to help her team complete a Section 2A playoff comeback over Nicollet on Wednesday at Prairie View Park. Tauer struck out 13 in

the 8-6 win, allowing four

earned runs.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Alfredo.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete?

A: I would say Jennie Finch, She was a pitcher and I look up to her. I want to be like her.

Q: What is a hobby of yours outside of sports?A: Just being with friends, hanging out with friends – and softball [laughs].

Q: What is your favorite workout/drill?

A: In a weight room, I would say probably squats. And a [favorite] drill in softball would be working on diving. I love diving.

Q: What is your favorite band/musical artist?A: I like country. I would say probably Morgan Wallen and Luke Combs. Or Lainey Wilson. Lainey Wilson I listen to a

lot, too.


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