Choose wisely
To the editor:
After extensive research I have found the following:
Corrupt judges and district attorneys, a one-sided view by mainstream media, without explaining the situation fully, policy that would use tax payer money to pay for gender reaffirming surgery, for illegal immigrants in our jails. Wouldn’t that money be better spent in offering psychological help to the gender confused. What about talking ceasefire, after Hamas murdered 1,200 infants, women and children and anyone else they could get their bloodthirsty hand on. Let’s not forget the 250 hostages.
How would you like it if this happened to your family, here in Minnesota. Would the Oct. 7 massacre ever have occurred if the Biden-Harris team had kept the sanctions imposed on Iran, by Donald Trump. If you want to see what the future of this country would look like, under a Kamala Harris presidency, you need not look any further than the state of California. This Nov. 5 is not a win for Trump. It is a win for the people of America. Proverbs 11;22 states it quite nicely: “Like a gold ring in a swine’s snout, is a beautiful woman who shows no sound judgment.”
Marty Tracy,